From Storage to No-Start


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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
So I've been in the hospital for the past couple months so my Evo has been parked since around Feb (had a friend take it for a wash in march). Just recently I was discharged so I was working on the car playing with ecu trying to get datalogging working and I noticed the battery level was really low. Interior lights were dim and the car started a couple times but then the next day it would turn over and just die right away. So I thought to myself "okay no big deal, battery has been on it since it was imported I'll just go buy another one if I can't get it to hold a charge"

Placed the battery on the charger @ 2A to let it trickle charge for 24hrs (battery still connected in car). 24hrs pass and i take it off the charger, now its only reading like 12.1V or so. So I bought a brand new battery hooked it up and its reading fully charged, tried to turn the car on and it just its there and turns over but never starts. It acts like it wants to start but never does.

I can hear the starter clicking when I start the car but I'm not really able to hear the fuel pump (sitting in the trunk listening while a friend tries to start the car) BUT I am able to smell a little fuel from the exhaust and a little bit under the bonnet. There is no leaks and I haven't done a compression test yet (I don't imagine the car would go from running perfectly fine to completely dead the next week for no apparent reason)

I have been reading and trying things from the DSM "how to diagnose a no-start" from

I haven't checked the voltage across the starter yet, but I have pulled every fuse I could find and never found a single blown fuse so I'm REALLY stumped as to what this problem could be as I was just running the car the week before trying to get some datalogging working.

This couldn't come at a worse time :thumbsdown: I just spent $1400 on a set of new rims/tyres.

Any of the gurus around here able to help or lend some suggestions of what to try? I'm going to be getting a pressure gauge from a local parts store and check to see what the compression is.
So the car is turning over? but not firing?

1.Check for spark by pulling a spark plug lead off and sticking a screw driver on the contact and hold a few mil's off engine, you should see a little blue spark (or if you have a spare spark plug stick it into the lead and place the threaded end against the engine and look for spark) while someone cranks the engine. If you have no spark, check your ECU connections as i notice in your post you have been playing around with the datalogging.

2. go buy a $10 Voltage probe from repco/supercheap and earth one end to a clean, unpainted bolt or screw and probe the wiring that goes to your fuel pump. Test this while the car ignition is on. (No engine cranking req'ed). You should get 12 VoltsDC (or a light on the probe) If no voltage on any of the fuel pump wiring, check ECU.

3. If you have both spark and fuel pump voltage, it will most likely be a fuel pump, which is a relatively common problem on all cars.

It's highly unlikely it's a compression issue. You don't just loose compression of the blue.
Yeah defiitely check for spark first by removing number 1 lead and checking if it sparks whilst cranking on something like the strut tower bolt. This usually is the case when spark plugs arent in the best of condition to start with.

Your fuel shouldnt have gone off in only 2 months unless its been in there for a long time.
so it was running after you finished working on the ECU?

if not then make sure everything is connected there.....dont forget the earth wires
Alright, thanks for all the suggestions guys. It looks like it is most likely the fuel pump. I'm getting 12VDC on the fuel pump connector and I have spark from all the leads.

Now as for upgrading the fuel pump. Could I use an Evo8 fuel pump & 560cc injectors? This upgrade would probably be cheaper then just buying a Walbro 190lph or Walbro 255lph.

I know the Evo 8 fuel pump only flows 160lph. I'm not wanting to make HUGE power, just looking for a nice 300whp (eventually, no where near atm) Just wondering if this would be possible with the evo8 fuelpump/injectors as it would be a more cost effective upgrade (as the evo8 guys around here are practically giving away their old stuff)
Skuz said:
I dont know about the evo8 pump being cheaper than the Walbro. The Walbro's are good value for money and with the fitting kit, a straight fit.

Well, since they don't sell Walbro kits suited for the E1-3 over here not sure if I can use a DSM equivalent kit or not. And ordering a Walbro kit online is kinda iffy with all the fakes going around I would only feel comfortable with ordering one from a reputable dealer.
The Walbro kit for an E8 doesn't include ANY mounting equipment at all just the pump as its a direct replacement for the E8's.

As for the 2G DSM walbro kit working in your car mannynz, what car do you have?

Also I haven't been able to find a part number for the install kit that comes with the Evo 1-3 Walbro only been able to find an install kit for a Talon/Eclipse (2G) and that is Kit Model: 400-847

So I decided to go out and give the evo another try and to check a couple other things. Checked for a broken timing belt and I rehooked up the ecu as I took it off and put the stocker back on for testing the other day.

I gave the key a turn, and it ALMOST started, so i turned it again and gave it a little gas. It was a rough start, then i put the revs up a little to keep it from dying, as i let off the RPM dropped to well below 500 and almost stalled out but then started to slowly go back up to 1.1K after about 30 seconds or so it seemed to be idling normal again.

WHAT THE HELL?! what could cause something like this? could it be that my fuel filter is in bad need of a change or what?

Thanks for all your guy's help.
fr0st said:
I gave the key a turn, and it ALMOST started, so i turned it again and gave it a little gas. It was a rough start, then i put the revs up a little to keep it from dying, as i let off the RPM dropped to well below 500 and almost stalled out but then started to slowly go back up to 1.1K after about 30 seconds or so it seemed to be idling normal again.

WHAT THE HELL?! what could cause something like this? could it be that my fuel filter is in bad need of a change or what?

Sometimes injectors get stuck or jammed, especially if the car has not been running for months.
I have 4 injectors on my workbench of which 3 are jammed closed.
mannynz said:
Sometimes injectors get stuck or jammed, especially if the car has not been running for months.
I have 4 injectors on my workbench of which 3 are jammed closed.

Oh, should I be looking at ordering some new injectors if thats the case? or is it "normal" for them to do that sometimes after a car has been sitting for awhile?
When I left my car sitting the fuel went off and the moisture in the tank caused the tank and fuel pump to rust.

I would drain all the fuel out and check the fuel pump.