Item: Stanton Final Scratch V1.5
Condition:Like new, no scratches on the Hub, comes with PC V1.5 Installation and laptop connection. The original box and V1.1 installation cds (along with my video card :S) were stolen out of my car when I was moving house in Melbourne. Janes (Australian stanton distributor) kindly sent me a PC V1.5 Installation cd!
Location: Central Vic
Price: Offers?
Picutres: day or so.
Condition:Like new, no scratches on the Hub, comes with PC V1.5 Installation and laptop connection. The original box and V1.1 installation cds (along with my video card :S) were stolen out of my car when I was moving house in Melbourne. Janes (Australian stanton distributor) kindly sent me a PC V1.5 Installation cd!
Location: Central Vic
Price: Offers?
Picutres: day or so.