Fuel problems ???


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Aug 23, 2007
Hey guys, i recently accidently went to fuel up at mobile and put in premium 6000 into my gsr turbo, ever since i cant floor it hard at all the engine seems 2 cut out and i need to change gears or stop accelerating hard. Until that moment i have been using a 98 octane fuel, do u think this was the problem or something more serious... im scared :( !!!! ( under regular conditions car still runs normally, just when i accel hard it jerks and seems to cut out. ) Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thx sooo mcuh =)
take it easy then mate, if it doesnt like it dont cane it.

put some octane booster in the tank and let the fuel run
down and then fill it back up with 98 octane.

maybe take it easy for the next few tanks
You may have got a bad batch of fuel, it does happen, Shell optimax was was a given about 1 in every 10 tanks would be **** so I stopped using it, how old is the servo you filling up at? the underground tanks for that particular pump could be degrading the fuel...
Spend the extra 10c and use the higher octane.

Either save 10c on fuel or fork 5k on a rebuild....I know were i would put my money :wink:

Imagining puttting 10c away to rebuild a engine everytime you fill up, you car will be off the road longer than mine hahahaha

Trust me it aint fun
OFFON-4 said:
Spend the extra 10c and use the higher octane.

Either save 10c on fuel or fork 5k on a rebuild....I know were i would put my money :wink:

Imagining puttting 10c away to rebuild a engine everytime you fill up, you car will be off the road longer than mine hahahaha

Trust me it aint fun

LOL @ 10c theory!!!!

Abhi89 said:
Hey guys, i recently accidently went to fuel up at mobile and put in premium 6000 into my gsr turbo, ever since i cant floor it hard at all the engine seems 2 cut out and i need to change gears or stop accelerating hard. Until that moment i have been using a 98 octane fuel, do u think this was the problem or something more serious... im scared :( !!!! ( under regular conditions car still runs normally, just when i accel hard it jerks and seems to cut out. ) Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thx sooo mcuh =)

its ok offon he didnt mean too do it. every time i fill up the car i double check and recheck that i hav the right one.

dnt trust the petrol companies, they could change the bowser colour over nite.
mine used to do the same thing on optimax. i havent used it since.

Drain your tank and go fill up with BP ultimate and drive it sedately until uv used the full tank.

check your ignition leads too that could be a coincidental problem.
Yer guys thx alot, ive re-filled with Synergy 8000 and car is ok now, but ill be going easy on it for a few tanks, im so releaved lol scared the pants off. ( im a new car owner get scared easy, and as for the leads i got new ones installed a few weeks back and should be fine, but ill have a poke around anyways ) Thx for all the support guys =D !