Put the relay as close to the fuel pump cradle as possible.
Use the oem black and blue fuel pump power wire as the trigger for the relay because that's the only thing its good for. OEM voltage at the black/blue wire is said to only provide between 7-10 volts fluctuating under load to the stock fuel pump, so it will definitely not provide the voltage you need to make a Walbro flow to potential because those little suckers need a good stable voltage supply under boost.
The reason I say to mount the relay as close to the fuel pump as possible is because you can run a good thick gauge wire from the battery to the relay with very negligible voltage drop, but there aint no way you will get a good gauge wire from the relay into the fuel pump cradle. So the train of thought there is to keep the smaller gauge cable as short a distance as possible between the relay and the fuel pump due to voltage drop in smaller cables.
I have done that same thing with my car and the relay sits under the driver's side back seat next to the white plastic loom connector that joins the front loom to the rear interior loom. I cut a little slot in it and put it inside the plastic shroud.
Im getting 14.2 volts to my battery and I reckon around 14v at the single intank Walbro. I'm boosting 30psi on pump fuel and its doing its job.
See pics attached of mine. Pardon the old crappy image, it was some time ago lol