fully sic guages


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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2005
Hey guys, trying to instal a oil preassure guage (a digital one). all i acheived is a guage that goes on and off with the oil light. Wonderin if anyone has installed a digital guage on a gsr before would appreaciate any help.

cheers dave
digital oil pressure? interesting...... well you have to replace the original oil pressure sending unit which is only a on/off switch, with an acuall pressure variable unit. it normaly comes with the oil guage kit. then from that sending unit, 1 wire all the way from that direct to the gauge. other 2 wires from gauge is power.......

how did you connect yours?

possible photo of your gauge?
Yeah not a very good photo, unfortunitly the sender unit didnt come with the kit so it looks like i gotta find an aftermarket one. Any ideas who would have one?

top one is oil, lower one is boost
there not digital........ just fancy when off its got a black face, when on it all lights up...... DrIft series from AutoBarn, but all gauges should come with specific sending units, go back and ask if they came with one cause you will need it!.........
if it were mechanical would it not have a line of oil to the guage?

all oil gauges are electrical i thought..
nah there electrical, if it was mechanical then good luck, you would need almost 2m of the plastic hoses just to get from the gauge to the oil pump, i did the same in my galant and its was freakin long. most old school gauges are mechanical and are most of the time more accurate.......

Black: ground
Red: pos+
Orange: sending unit
Purple: Dimmer

gotta find a sending unit Youda........