ok, im not sure on your colours but...
pin1- black/blue stripe. power from fuel relay to the fuel pump.
pin2- black/red stripe. power from efi relay to other stuff.
pin3- red. connected inside relay box to pin2 and feeds pin12 and 25 of ecu (ecu power supply)
pin4- black/yellow stripe. power supply from (efi?) fusible link in engine bay
pin5- white/red stripe. the ecu earths this wire to trigger relay and turn pump on
pin6- black. this wire is connected to earth (i think?) and is the trigger earth for the efi relay
pin7- power supplied to the trigger for the fuel relay, also for the pump, also connected to pin8
pin8- power supply to the trigger of the efi relay
basically there is 2 relays inside that box (proton actually have 2 seperate relays here instead of the 1 gold box). 1 relay is for the efi running and the other is for the fuelpump.
lets concentrate on the fuel pump side, pins 1,7, 5
at key on, backprobe connecter, do you have power at pin7, or pin8?
if no, you need to check connections at fuel pump fuse in engine bay
if yes, connect pin5 to earth, does this make pump work?
if yes, you have wiring issues or ecu issues between pin5 and (pin8 of b25 on the ecu)
if no, then connect wire between pin7 and pin1. does this fire the pump?
if yes, you have to replace gold box as you have issues there
if no, you have issues with the pump or the wiring to it...
hope this helps.