hard starting?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2013
New Zealand
have in trouble starting takes a while before it will finally runn but i have to pump the gas pedal to get it going any help ?? kould it be leaks?? etc i have to do this every time when i start it recently rebuilt it and now this happen
When was the last time you pulled your spark plugs and checked them out?

Have you sorted all your other issues out yet??
I agree with Rob.. check temp sensor and/or wiring. When this sensor is U/S, there is no enrichment on start and can be a full bitch to start . Fairly common !
CLuTZ said:
When was the last time you pulled your spark plugs and checked them out?

Have you sorted all your other issues out yet??
3months ago thats the only thing that is the problem now starting st8 away
jack of all said:
Could be leaks, leaking petrol, leaking air, leaking sparks.
could be my intake manifold between the throttle body im using a cork gasket as there was something supose to be there but kould not fine it after i rebuild the motor
blackvr said:
I agree with Rob.. check temp sensor and/or wiring. When this sensor is U/S, there is no enrichment on start and can be a full bitch to start . Fairly common !
thanks il have a look at it mate
Hmm could be something that I need also... Any part numbers or from which hyunday is it from ?

My thermostat housing has like 5 sensors in it so searching for a thermo sensor could be tricky lol.

Sox for thread hijack
You should get datalogging... saves so much ******* around! I had a bad water temp sensor once (reading -40°) and EVO Scan picked it up right away.

Are you still running a stock single board ECU?
CLuTZ said:
You should get datalogging... saves so much ******* around! I had a bad water temp sensor once (reading -40°) and EVO Scan picked it up right away.

Are you still running a stock single board ECU?
duel board 8618