Quick way, disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel rail, point it into a can or small bucket, then get a friend to crank the engine over a few times to see if fuel comes out of it.
PS: Make sure you have fuel in the tank this time :lol:
If nothing comes out you have to whip out the multimeter and start backtracking for a signal from the fuel pump all the way back to the plugs under the dash then to the engine control relay.
whats a multimeter??
Put some goggles on. Pop the hose off top of the fuel filter. High pressure petrol everywhere.
First time I changed fuel filter on an efi I did this with no goggles. It's burns the eyes. I didn't know I had to de-pressurize first
But a good way to de pressurize is simply disconnect the fuel pump from the ecu and start the car. It'll run for about 10 seconds then die due to .... Bo fuel in the system
Now my fuel pump won't start all!! It's not pumpin fuel...how can I check if da fuel pump is working