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dont know what you have done, but the fuel pump will pressurise fuel lines when you flick the key on. thats the whirring noise you sometimes hear and the fuel pump relays clicking on and off under the dash somewhere.
they will self bleed unlike a diesel. click the key a couple of times and then wind it over. it should go.

i suppose if you wanted to bleed it or purge the lines (maybe you trying to get rid of contaminated fuel or something) disconnect fuel line at filter or at feul rail and click the key a couple of times. if you want more fuel out, you will have to bridge the feul pump relay to power the pump or run seperate power to the pump itself under the back seat.
dont forget to depressurise system before opening feul lines, or be prepared to get a small spray of fuel when you crack the lines.

what exactly have you done to require your system bled?
A VR4 fuel pump will not turn on when you flick the key on as you put it. The mpi relay rely's on seeing a signal from the cas before it will activate the fuel pump. You can bypass this by adding 12v to the fuel pump relay bypass plug on the firewall. MAke sure it's the correct one though.

Of course all this typing isn't worth a damn until my original question is answered.
lol nah i thought there was an air purge in the fuel tank but it turns out dat i had no fuel lol...B)
Hey, lay off everyone, I've tried to see if I could make a VR4 run on air before too. Unsuccessfully mind you........... :unsure:

Let me guess, southsider? :lol:
That's the new tech fuel source... E-Zero.
It's the fuel you have when you dont have any fuel.
Its also 100% emissons free because your car wont fkn start without it! :lol:
Quick way, disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel rail, point it into a can or small bucket, then get a friend to crank the engine over a few times to see if fuel comes out of it.
PS: Make sure you have fuel in the tank this time :lol:
If nothing comes out you have to whip out the multimeter and start backtracking for a signal from the fuel pump all the way back to the plugs under the dash then to the engine control relay.
Quick way, disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel rail, point it into a can or small bucket, then get a friend to crank the engine over a few times to see if fuel comes out of it.
PS: Make sure you have fuel in the tank this time :lol:
If nothing comes out you have to whip out the multimeter and start backtracking for a signal from the fuel pump all the way back to the plugs under the dash then to the engine control relay.

yep just tried that and no fuel comes out of the hose...whats a multimeter?? and how do i start backtracking???man i dont know anything!!!
Put some goggles on. Pop the hose off top of the fuel filter. High pressure petrol everywhere.

First time I changed fuel filter on an efi I did this with no goggles. It's burns the eyes. I didn't know I had to de-pressurize first :p

But a good way to de pressurize is simply disconnect the fuel pump from the ecu and start the car. It'll run for about 10 seconds then die due to .... Bo fuel in the system
Put some goggles on. Pop the hose off top of the fuel filter. High pressure petrol everywhere.

First time I changed fuel filter on an efi I did this with no goggles. It's burns the eyes. I didn't know I had to de-pressurize first :p

But a good way to de pressurize is simply disconnect the fuel pump from the ecu and start the car. It'll run for about 10 seconds then die due to .... Bo fuel in the system

Did you read ANY of this thread????
He has NO FUEL coming out of the line at the rail.

To the other guy, can you hear the fuel pump at all when you are trying to crank the motor? Get someone to stand at the boot and listen close for it.
Now my fuel pump won't start all!! It's not pumpin can I check if da fuel pump is working

Checked ya fuel lol maybe its evaporated again haha

Sounds to me that you dont know what your doing so i would suggest you get professional help from either a mechanic or even a auto electrician,
sometimes it end up cheaper to get help that to try yourself and **** something else up

If you keep tryin to crank your car over while your tank is dry you will burn the fuel pump