Ok, I've got a HKS SSQ on my VR4, had it on there for ages, but it never vents.
I've pulled it apart, the diaphragm is good, I lubed the pin/slide thing, everything looks ok. I sealed the main O ring on the flange. Changed the spring tension. Still no change.
I even swapped it with an identical one mate has off his car it didnt work, although it did actually vent for about 3kms then stopped working again.
So I'm thinking it has to be Vac source. I've had it run dedicated and shared lines off the 2 vac nipple on the front side of the Aus spec inlet mani, still no difference. I haven't tried the single nipple(jap throttle body) above the TB as the source needs to be behind the butterfly from what I know.
So my question to people is where the **** do you get the vac source from for a SSQ? The car is a JDM VR4, with Aus inlet manifold, JDM TB, Evo 6 cooler w/ custom piping.
Any help to get this ****** to vent would be great. Then I can change it for a plum back.
I've pulled it apart, the diaphragm is good, I lubed the pin/slide thing, everything looks ok. I sealed the main O ring on the flange. Changed the spring tension. Still no change.
I even swapped it with an identical one mate has off his car it didnt work, although it did actually vent for about 3kms then stopped working again.
So I'm thinking it has to be Vac source. I've had it run dedicated and shared lines off the 2 vac nipple on the front side of the Aus spec inlet mani, still no difference. I haven't tried the single nipple(jap throttle body) above the TB as the source needs to be behind the butterfly from what I know.
So my question to people is where the **** do you get the vac source from for a SSQ? The car is a JDM VR4, with Aus inlet manifold, JDM TB, Evo 6 cooler w/ custom piping.
Any help to get this ****** to vent would be great. Then I can change it for a plum back.