Hi guys!
I need to purchase something shortly as I am changing jobs (no more work car).
I'm thinking a nice cruiser
- Legnum
- Stagea
Or practical
- Delica
- Challanger
- Hilux
- Triton
- Pajero
Or efficient
- Colt
- Honda civic
Or retarded
- Another Galant VR4
- 3000GT
- Suby wrx
What do you guys think?
The commute is a short one, only about 10-15 minutes every morning. No traffic really........ opinions???
I need to purchase something shortly as I am changing jobs (no more work car).
I'm thinking a nice cruiser
- Legnum
- Stagea
Or practical
- Delica
- Challanger
- Hilux
- Triton
- Pajero
Or efficient
- Colt
- Honda civic
Or retarded
- Another Galant VR4
- 3000GT
- Suby wrx
What do you guys think?
The commute is a short one, only about 10-15 minutes every morning. No traffic really........ opinions???