I need sport gear Wheel arches


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Nov 30, 2015
I would like to mount sport gear wheel arches on my very European Space Runner. does somebody has them for sale?
they don't exist here in Europe.

Thanks !
The bumpers might be slightly different on the SG/SSG models, they also have side steps and without those you will really notice there is something missing.

Here are some pics to show how they blend with the bumpers, this is from a HSG, but you get the idea
3 Flare.jpg

These next 2 are from an SG that I have as a parts car, first is the front flare where it meets the front mudguard/side steps. The step down is very noticeable.
2 Flare (1).jpg

The rear flares have 2 pieces on the sliding door side and you have your sliding door on the right hand side I gather? Which would mean you have to source the rear flares from the USA or any country that is left hand drive and has RVRs.
The side steps should be the same for either configuration.
1 Flare (2).jpg

I know I have posted this before, but if you look at 0:37 in the clip you can see how the flare and steps protrude.
I never saw a HSG LHD so probably is not existing and I will have to fit the RHD's cutting and fixing.

the fact is that I can not find them .... I was thinking of try to adapt some "universal" once... but as a last resource.

the car will be wrapped with 3m after so I can fill the bumps with filler and cover with the 3m. I am not really going for the look but I need the arches to fit wider tires. here is road regulation .
Or....I seen something the other day that reminded me of Jack 100%

A guy had cut the lid of his kettle bbq and made flares out of that. No ****! They actually came out alright too believe it or not