Hey guys, got my car back lastnight and been driving it a fair bit during the day. The mechanic said it has a slight electrical prob with the idel sensor or solinoid thingy>? i hadn't really noticed it untill tonight when it allmost conked out at the car wash and a few times after that. It generally conk's out if i rev it in nutral then it drops to like 650 rpm and sometimes its fine!. Also my headlights and interior light pulse on and off rapidly(drivable just anoying) when at idel, not when its going? This obviously has a connection with the idel issues right? could it be the altinator or just a bad battery? I checked the voltage with a dodgy voltage metre which read about .4 on ac and was all over the place on dc going from -2 to 17's and everywhere in between.
I just want my car to work dammit :roll: lol
ow and does anyone know whats with the yellow crappy lights on maroon aspecs?
I just want my car to work dammit :roll: lol
ow and does anyone know whats with the yellow crappy lights on maroon aspecs?