idle problem


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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2006
ok guys.. the car when on idle, it is just above the zero mark...
it feels like its going to stall.. just sits there and shakes abit, do you know what this could be?

and one time, while i was driving at 50 k's, the car just turned off..

my mate said it could be the air flow meter... has anyone had this problem before ...?

Thanks Peter
is it 4g93? on throttle body should be a phillips head screw (may be covered by a black dust cover)

if it keeps jumping up and down or changing rev speeds could even be idle control unit.. common problem...
p3akin said:
and one time, while i was driving at 50 k's, the car just turned off..
Thanks Peter

If it just turns off, check the Crack Angle Sensor (CAS).

My symtoms were the car would not start or would after a while/many attempts, and sometimes would stall while idleing. Started off here and then, then became more frequent, until one day the car didnt start (Lucky that happened in the garage).

CAS failing is a common problem. Unsure if they modified the design or not with new parts.

Also the Idle Speed Control Motor (ISC) is also common to failure. My symtoms were the car was idling around 400-500rpm & sometimes occasionally stalled. I think they modified/updated the design.
Linky For 4G63, assume same for 93
Mine looks like this now.
Yeh I had my CAS fail 2 weeks ago, but prior to it failing my idle was a bit erratic and the car totally cut out on me twice., both times it restarted after a few minutes.
well, i've adjusted the idle and now it sits around 1200.. which i don;t mind, however it does drop when i turn my headlights on.. drops by about 2-300.. which isn't much, but still i don't think it should be doing that..
check your battery! im pretty sure your CAS was in good condition.. is anything else playing up? did you fix that problem you had with the misfire? i never got a text back from ya.

let me know if any problems!

this might sound stupid but check ur oil...
mine was doin that and it was coz i had no oil and my oil light wasnt working.
yer Jon, fixed the misfire problem..

basically only the idle problem..

yer nah Deano, the oil was just changed like last week, so i think that should be good .. i'll check in the morning though anyways

Thanks Peter
Theres a sticker on the bonnent that states what the idle speed should be.

From memory roughly 800rpm +/- 100rpm I think, I'll have to check.

I think you set it with the aircon/lights running too?

Btw, I think this is the part no. mitsu gave me for an ISC.

Part No. DM052826
Have you checked your idle speed controller (ISC). Mine had burn't out and had to replace it. It was idling really low and would stall quite often when I had no throttle open.
Once I replaced it - it was fine. Held idle beautifully.
These guys have them for sale and a bit of info on them also:
Good luck.