idle/running issue


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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2011
Victoria, Geelong
Hey guys, car was working fine on the way home from work last night. I turn the key to ign this morning it makes a clicking sound for a second or 2 then i start it let it warm up then i go to back down the driveway it stalls. i notice when i rev it and it comes back down to idle it almost cuts out then it recovers. i look around and notice what i think is the alternator earth cable? is not plugged in that spot near the sump, so i get under the car and plug it back in the protective sleeve looks like its contacted the dump cos its melted away but the actual cable is untouched. But the issue is the same even rolling backwards with the car in neutral the revs drop and its seems like it wants to cut out.
If anyone has an idea about what this could be i would very much appreciate the info, cheers
i unplugged the tps, did the isc it got worse so i plugged it back in un plugged afm it didnt want to start plugged that back in now it idles like crap.
I only said the isc to unplug.

There is a sticky in the evo1-3 section. Check the youtube clips attached there and compare it to your idle.
Shouldnt plug it in and out with it running either really.

And dont clean afm with carby cleaner. Apparently they dont like it
I didnt clean the afm just unplugged it, you said unplug it and see if it makes a diffe re nce makes me think try it with it unpligged...
I didnt clean the afm just unplugged it, you said unplug it and see if it makes a diffe re nce makes me think try it with it unpligged...

Yep. Sorry my bad.Once its warm, turn it off, remove isc plug and restart. Compare that to starting car with the isc plugged in.Just pulling the plug in and out wont do much as there is no reset sent from the ecu.How does it compare to my videos of working/non working isc?You could also remove isc and flick the ignition key on and off to see the isc move in and out. No need to start engine
Yep. Sorry my bad.Once its warm, turn it off, remove isc plug and restart. Compare that to starting car with the isc plugged in.Just pulling the plug in and out wont do much as there is no reset sent from the ecu.How does it compare to my videos of working/non working isc?You could also remove isc and flick the ignition key on and off to see the isc move in and out. No need to start engine
Yeah thats what i did the first time, as for the videos when i start it, it jumps up to about 15-1600 then settles to 1100 on cold start.
personally i dont think that your prob is isc or tps. Maybe not even afm but could be. Bad earth connection like that on alternator could have done damage to the voltage regulator in the alternator and although it is showing healthy voltage current is too low. This would definitely cause issues with idle and general performance. Try replacing the earth cable to alternator and insulate it properly.clean the terminals on the battery and replace the terminal clamps if they look yuk. Check your main earth from the battery and if you need to clean up the earthing point. Check that all the earth cables are in good condition and insulated correctly. My educated guess says i think youve already identified the problem by finding that cable like that. I had a very similar problem a few years ago and the result was i needed a new alternator
Bit of an update, tefixed the earth cable properly, car revs dipto 500 sometimes lower if I coast in neutral until I come to a complete stop then it goes back upto 900 as normal. before the issue when I would coast revs would jump up to 1500 until I came to a complete stop I thinl thats how it was tuned so could it be something to do with ecmlink?