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Bird Nerd
Jun 14, 2005

Just a query about ignition

on my VR4 motor, no coil/ignitor was supplied....... and i have been advised to use the GSR ignitor and coil. Only problem is, the mounting plate that bolts to the intake maniofold doesnt fit (not surprisingly), so i can either drill some new holes in the thing to make it fit, or go down another path.......................:

are there any other cost-effective options here?
mount it any were as long as the ignition lead reach ..... and wouldent recomend drilling holes into intake mani, you might create leaks..... how bout just bending the mounting you have now and see if you can make it fit? either that make your own mounting plate no bigi.......

Hey Jayrome, id be putting on a top timing cover on your car....dont want nasty things to get caught in there :(
used to have the cover on but i keep hearing a noise at high revvs and couldent figure it out, then wen i did a timing belt change found melted rubber in that plastic cover.... you get the rest ...... gotta buy another one of those but havent got the time to go look for one......

thankz for the concern any ways 3zercrowd
My car was engineered with it off and it never EVER went back on. Infact it's still in the shed. I don't see how anything's gonna get in there. Would have to be a pretty beefy steel rod to not get completely ruined by the cam gears as they spin. That's if it doesn't glance out to begin with being the speed they revolve.

As for ignition, if you feel the need you can upgrade to aftermarket CDI's or ignition controllers, go coil-on-plug or whatever as well. May as well make the most of the opportunity.
Is it worth buying a VR4 coilpack? (and mounting plate?) will that connect to the GSR wiring? maybe an EVO 0 one.................

otherwise i can mount the GSR plate directly onto the back of the intake manifold....the holes line up. what you think?
how about coil on plug?

it would solve my mounting problem, and is comparable in outlay when you consider a set of magnecor or similar leads and new VR4 coil pack.

Slowboy Racing do one, and so do buschur racing........

any suggestions? --------------- calling barry! :p