So here is the "how to"
Changing pads and rotors is fairly simple to do, all you need is a 17mm spanner, 12mm spanner, 17mm socket, torque wrench, 2 zip ties and something to cut the zip ties.

You'll need to remove the wheel, but make sure you use a stand and
do not rely on a hydraulic jack to hold the car up EVER!

Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right for the right hand side, and all the way left for the left hand side. This is so you can undo the 12mm nut that holds the hose stay.

If you are only wanting to change the pads then take a 17mm spanner and undo this sliding bolt, it holds the floating part of the brake caliper which swings away so the pads can be removed, you will need to use a C-clamp to compress the pistons in to ensure the pads fit back on to the rotor. You may have to use something to remove some of the brake fluid as compressing the piston/s will push fluid back up into the reservoir, I have a syringe that I use, they are available from any chemist and are usually free just let them know what you're using it for so you don't come across as a druggo.

If you need to change both pads and caliper, first connect the zip ties together so they make one long one, then remove these two 17mm bolts and run the zip ties through one of the bolt holes and let it hang out of the way. It's not good to let the caliper hang from the pipes as stressing a 20 year old OEM part is never a good idea. I hang it from the spring with the zip ties.

The disc rotor will just slide off after the caliper is out of the way.
Then just reverse the above steps and torque the sliding bolts to 45-50 Nm (32-36 ft-lb) and the caliper mounting bolts to 100-110 Nm (74-81 ft-lb), wheel nuts are 90 Nm (66 ft-lb) according to Evo 3 spec, but I torque mine to 100 Nm. If you don't have a torque wrench just tighten them up good and tight.
Feel free to ask about anything you're unsure of, we're here to help.
Happy spannering