Intercooler Cleaning


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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2009
Hi Guys,

Thinking of giving the intercooler a clean but CBF taking the whole front bar assembly off. As I understand it from research the best way to clean it is buy aluminium cleaner from bunnings give it a spray and wash it off.

So what I was thinking of doing was taking a long nozzle (like the ones on WD40) putting it through the grill spraying the cooler and giving it a hose down.

Does aluminum cleaner react to paint? I have concerns that splash back will damage the front bar.....
dont get any on the front bar, it will discolor the paint, or if you do keep some water handy to splash it off

but I clean the end tanks with acid and spray paint the center so your not puting to much acid on the fins, just lightly coat it to , and after a few drives it looks mint again
Hmmm, I think with a lot of rags and painters tape it may be alright. Its a fu*&%ng mission and a half to get the front bar off.

I asked my panel beater and he said it should be fine, just try not to get any on there.....

I have a feeling I'll probably end up taking it off though to save any damage to the front bar.
If its a CT9A drive it up on block jack it there's around 20 pull/push clips that hold the under body trays to the front bar then the standard chassis rail bolts wheel arch lights ect. definitely no a fun job without a hoist.

I use degreaser first and a hot water gurney from a distance then aluminium cleaner/polisher on the end tanks last roughly just over a year before it starts to fade or go dull again.
you dont need any tape, its only light coats, just test out the spray can to make sure its only going where you want it to, I did remove my front bar though