Is my td05h oil cooled or water?


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Thanks mate I thort I saw coolent leaking out of it. What kind of hose would you recommend To replace it and is it sourced ezy? Wouldn't a garden hose be good enuf lol jks
Are you serious :blink: :blink: Garden hose??? I would not recommend using that, thats for sure....unless your using to give yourself an ENIMA (see link below)
You need a decent rubber hose specifically for pressurised water and a good set of clamps to go with it- sold at any good auto supplies shop( not Kmart or Supercheap :rolleyes: :rolleyes: )

:lol: :lol: :lol:
as an enthusiast you really shouldn't make suggestions about garden hose...yes I saw you wrote jokes after it BUT there are people out there dumb enough to try that.

so here is the way you would like other people to check for that leaks......of course you already know this but for the benefit of others we will write it.

fill cooling system with clean if de-mineralised.....fill completely with engine running.

attach the radiator cap....and allow the engine to reach operating temperature.

drive the car onto a hard level surface...chock the wheels and apply the parking brake.

switch off the engine...then and only after it is switched off begin to look for the leaks.....there are two steel lines that go down and attached to the turbo. these lines have rubber hoses attached at the ends up near the thermostat.

find the leak and order the correct hose from travis..or a mitsubishi dealer..not a bit of garden hose. first becasue it wont hold pressure and second because the hose will most likely be a special shape with bends etc
as an enthusiast you really shouldn't make suggestions about garden hose...yes I saw you wrote jokes after it BUT there are people out there dumb enough to try that.

Hence my ENIMA reference :lol:
Are you serious :blink: :blink: Garden hose??? I would not recommend using that, thats for sure....unless your using to give yourself an ENIMA (see link below)
You need a decent rubber hose specifically for pressurised water and a good set of clamps to go with it- sold at any good auto supplies shop( not Kmart or Supercheap :rolleyes: :rolleyes: )

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i especially liked post #5: 'super super super bump. (get ready for spring time!) '
a spring time enema, forget cleaning the windows, im gonna clean my colon...
Yea I found the leak it's the hose closer to the block. Won't these hose melt since there so close to the hot side of the turbo and I drive fairly hard and Most of the time the turbo semi glowing. How I realize I had a leak I heard a hsssssssssss sound and lil drips. Today it starting to leak faster
That would be why we are advising to use the correct hose...................................... :rolleyes:

Dont think all the "Pulls" :lol: you mention in your other thread, racing Skylines would have anything to do with that aye??

Awesome way to attract attention and get defected if you ask me..........
I'll nevah use my back yard hose stuff that. My car would look soo shame green hose lol but yea I think this hose that on is the original and never been changed. Gess I need too go to Mitsubishi motors tomorrow :(
I'll nevah use my back yard hose stuff that. My car would look soo shame green hose lol but yea I think this hose that on is the original and never been changed. Gess I need too go to Mitsubishi motors tomorrow :(

good work finding the leak....if you dont have any luck at your local dealer. send sivart a pm....he is pretty good with imports ;)
Another qwestion is ther any way to kno if my engine tomei I've been wandering for ages coz the guy I got it off said the engine is fully forged with tomei crank rod oversized pistons and some cams. I Wana kno if I got riped off or not
mm a tough one...seeing through steel when looking for forged parts!:blink:

got xray vision?

no....oh well.

**** where is super man when he is needed!:)

Mate....the only definitive way to tell is to drop the sump off and have a look. you could also have a look throught the spark plug hole and see if there is anything written on the piston. A stock engine would have 63T on top of the chances are that if you see that ....well he bullshited about the rest too
Thanks mate I will check. He left me a surprise of a car poket rocket running 26 psi boost but I riped that controller out and the boost down to 18 psi. My son loves it tho ahaha the car was so hard case I could roll about 30kmph 1st gear and just plant my foot and all fours just start to spinning. I got this car coz of my family and gave up my pride and joy Mazda 82 rx7 12a turbo. So I'm still learning my 4g63s I'm more of a rotary person. Well fuel is cheaper for me :)