Just needed to rant


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Wannabe Racer
Nov 6, 2005
Watched an episode of RSPCA animal rescue tonight and I don't think I should of. It actually affected me a bit (which is not normally the case - I'm not usually bothered by what's on the news or happening in the world) as I am a pet owner and just can't understand animal cruelty of any sort whatsoever.

They showed what happens next week and it included a case of a pet sheep that had had its mouth taped shut by its owner. I mean what sort of sick-**** does that to an animal?! Before anybody goes cracking "sheep jokes" and such, I just had to get it off my chest that I reckon people who are found guilty of animal abuse should be jailed. Period. No excuses, no fines, no good behavior bonds, no second chances or "no owning pets for 12 months" ****. Jail. Period. Make them suffer like the animals who depended on them for a bit of love and care.

In tonight's episode two little dogs had been neglected and locked up in a backyard for so long that one of them had almost 1kg of matted fur on its body and was visibly crawling with fleas and infection. The RSPCA officer who seized them said that they must have been living in agony for a couple of years to be in the condition she found them in.

The owner pleaded guilty to 8 counts of animal cruelty (citing 'financial worries' for the reason of the dogs' condition) and was fined $800 + $755 costs and a 12 month good behavior bond. A start but not enough IMO.

End Rant.
I refused to watch it after seeing a split second of the ads for it.
Owners like that deserve the drawn and quartered
That is why i just dont watch it. I saw a couple of episodes and thought. No more. I have pets myself (3 cats and a wife) and i just don't know how people can neglect there pets that way.

Its very disturbing to think that this could be someone you live next to or in your street aswell..
When I was young my mother used to
volunteer at the RSPCA shelter in Wollongong,
I'd hear some horror stories. And my mum would
want to bring home every brute she could.
(I owned a English staff that was a rescue. Great dog).

I've thought about volunteering myself but it wouldn't
work out; I'd get too upset. Then angry. Then get the owner's
details and go around and belt the **** out of them.

I don't know if anyone else has read any criminology-psychology
articles, but the link between animal cruelty and violence + sexual
devience has been thoroughly established.

Cruelty to animals is the first step towards becoming
cruel to people. And it needs to be punished accordingly.
Thirteen, -> Im with you. As much as I would want to help, you cant help everyone. Our first cat was from RSPCA. She is still ticking along , luckily she wasnt abused but from a broken up family and neither parent wanted the cat even though it was the kids pet.. But, I dont think i could just drop my pet off at the pound/rspca/cattery just because I didnt want it.

But to animal abuse, I have seen some terrible things when i was younger, especially riding to knox bmx track along the bike path. I once saw a dog hung over a cyclone fence..
I've thought about volunteering too, but I'm with you thirteen - I'd get too upset and want to see punishment dealt out to those responsible. But then you'd have the cases where the family couldn't keep the pet for whatever reason and cruelty/abuse was not involved - how do you react to a situation like that? It'd just make me angry that the people involved couldn't maintain the responsibility of owning a pet.

But my hat is off to your Mum - it takes a certain kind of person to do that sort of stuff and exhibit that sort of kindness.

My second dog is a Lost Dogs Home rescue and he has been the most loyal and affectionate little "pal" you could hope for. The hardest thing about bringing him home was that I couldn't take every other dog there home with me too. I went back a week later with some slabs of dogfood and cheap towels I got from the supermarket so that at least those dogs I couldn't take home could have a bit of warmth in their holding pens and if my slabs of dogfood meant that the Lost Dogs Home didn't have to spend that extra $$$ on food, it's money better spent doing something else to help those animals.
its sucks to see stuff like that, it shouldnt happen, its good to see that they are trying to fix the problems with the tv show to let people see how bad it is

I dislike animals sold from the shopping centre pet stores, you should need a licence to buy them or go through tests to see if you even quaify to have a pet

I got my last cat from RSPCA and couldnt have been happier

I agree about the fine was not enough it should be alot more
I dont think it helps prevent it by putting it on TV, it just makes people angry. If you're the kind of person to be offended by that sort of thing then you would never do it yourself.. and those that do would be too busy yelling at wheel of fortune to watch...
It's a public awareness thing. If 10 people watch it and 1 person reacts to it in a positive way by donating or reporting an act of cruelty then it's done it's job.