leaking oil sump


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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2006
my mechanic told me the oil sump is leaking.. and goes he will fix for 200...

is this a good price or is there a place i can get it done for cheaper??

it used to only leak about a 5 cent coins worth a day, now its starting to leak about as much as a 10 dollar note...

is it bad to drive around like this or not..??

thanks guys
OFFON-4 said:
Sounds pricy to me...
But hey i dont know what the rates are with mechanics

Do you know whats involved with insert a new gasket into the sump?

- Passengers driveshaft has to be removed
- Exhaust has to be removed
- While your doing the seal you may aswell give it a service

It all takes time..

JSTYLE said:
OFFON-4 said:
Sounds pricy to me...
But hey i dont know what the rates are with mechanics

Do you know whats involved with insert a new gasket into the sump?

- Passengers driveshaft has to be removed
- Exhaust has to be removed
- While your doing the seal you may aswell give it a service

It all takes time..


Well said..... Jon
Wasnt having a go at you. Its just people complain about prices to fix things etc.. when they dont have a full understanding or comprehension of what needs to be done to get to xyz part etc..

Mechanics have to make a living, they charge anywhere between 60 - $120 depending on how good they are. Most of this is overhead costs such as, employee's/material and also rent etc..

There is abit of worked involved in doing a sump seal.. it may sound easy but yer its a good 3hr good id say.

Chill......I know you werent having a go at me
I aint a mechanic that why i added i dont now what the going rate is.

The you got dicks that bring workshops into the mix. tsk tsk tsk

But then again it is a forum so what can you do.

Back to topic
the sump removal is a PAIN IN THE ASS!!!

there is a special tool that is actually required to remove the sump
genuine mitsu

otherwise the other way is a screwdriver and some hammering!!
and stanley knife

but yes it is a ****..
xfer case has to come off also
so dont forget gearbox fluid
and i dont think there are gaskets for sale for the sump
they use sealant..

also if they dont know the mitsu's, they'll probably put the long bolts under the timing belt...
The transfer case is a sealed unit, so it won't leak oil when removed, unless you want to drain it reduce the weight a little.

I still think you should check the front main seal as this was leaking on my GSR making it look like the sump was leaking. This will be more costly to repair as it means cambelt removal.

Sumps without gaskets don't tend to leak all that much.

But yeah that price sounds more than reasonable for the work involved.

as long as it is the sump sealing that is leaking
try a couple of mechanics and get prices and also ask if they have done much work on the lancer range's just in case.
well i told the mechanic i was getting an oil leak, and he hoisted the car up and told me that it actually was the sump.. and yeah.. 200 for him to do it...
yea, but is the sump cracked/damaged, or is it just leaking from where it joins the block, or where the turbo oil drain bolts on, or even from the sump plug.....

Some of those probs are very simple fixes, others not so much - whether it's worth $200 depends entirely on where it's leaking from.