Pass it even without a cat and you can drive out
Which ive seen done..beleive it or
i dont know..but it did.
The stupid thing is..Your full load emmissions are up to **** car passes any emmissions test under full load..its not possible..and its only at full load that your External wastegate will be open..hence at a point when the emmisions are out of range...
Ive seen a gtr get away with it purely on this argument...
Though i wouldnt want to go to court with it..i rekon youd lose..
purely on the fact that you have exhaust gas thats not ghoing through a catalytic converter.
As for it being plumbed in ive heard its fine and never had a problem..if they say it changes your emmissions ask them how and in exactly what way That particular mod changes it..then ask them to prove it..they wont..because they aftermarket computer as well as a B.O.V..a pod a fuel pump..fuel reg...all that **** changes your emmissions.
So their argument is **** doesnt matter what changes it...its just the fact that it is changed that makes it illegal.