take ur turbo down to see ATP.. he has them on the shelf and will charge you about 5 - 10$ instead of the guys who have to CAD etc.. then cut it they will charge you about $50 for a one off.
These are the original flanges that came with his turbo. The PTE flange is on the left and too big for a Garret/Mitsu turbo oil drain. The only problem is its made from billet alloy and has got a -10AN fitting on it. Mattress tried connecting it to his setup but the -10AN fittings are massive and foul on the VR4 engine mount which meant he couldnt use it. We didnt know the PTE had a larger flange until we changed over and went 'ah crap'. Mattress, if you want the PTE fitting sent back to you in the mail I can do that for you as I dont need it. You might be able to have someone cut off the -10AN off and place a pipe in its stead but I'm not too sure as alloy welding is a bitch.
Bazeng, I am looking for a Mitsu/Garrett oil drain flange with a -10AN male fitting on it ASAP - If your mate has one of them I'll grab it