My Sister and hubby lived in Kalgoorlie, centre of Western Australia for years, but she moved back here to Newcastle whilst he still works in the mines there and comes back every so often. She didnt want to bring her 2 little girls up there because she said its crazy how the Aborigines roam the streets in mobs, beat up eachother or mug people for money or alcohol and the Police do stuff all about it. I hear something new everytime the brother in law comes back to town and sometimes with a workmate or two. They all say its OK to live there if you're a bloke, but if they were women they would getdafukouttathere ASAP. When the law fails to product us thats when you see people take things into their own hands and things get even uglier... i.e. Cronulla riots for instance. Please dont confuse things for racism - no matter if the group of people are black, white, yellow, brown, pink, olive or red... they deserve to be brought to justice for what they did wrong, everybody should be treated the same. Unfortunately as stated above, its the minority groups who immediately scream out 'racism' as if it were some kind of unpenetratable wall to hide behind for protection :roll: