Meet-up for Heathcote Drag Day - South Eastern


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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
St Kilda
Hi guys,

Heathcote Drag Day 2007 is almost here!

Please note the drag day is on November 10th, 2007.

The meet-up point will be on Dandenong Road, near the ends of Grange Road and Burke Road. We will congregate in the parking bays in front of the sporting fields before Monash Uni. when heading towards the city.

Please be at the meet point at 8am as we will be leaving at 8.30am sharp!

Please have a full tank of fuel, we will not be stopping for fuel on the way to Heathcote. There is a BP Service Station on the corner of Burke Road and Waverley Road which is about 100m from the meet point.

There will be a BBQ set up at Heathcote and run by some of the Team4g members. Please bring your own food to cook on the BBQ.

If you have a walky-talky, also bring that for the drive up and back.

If anyone has any questions, or needs to contact me on the day, please call me on 0424 316 704.

Also, driving like a nob will not be tolerated! The last thing we need is bad publicity for the club and attention from the cops. Please obey all of the road rules and respect other road users.

Most importantly, let's have a great day! I look forward to seeing you guys then.

Mat :)
If I can grab a ride, that'd be great :)

Alex, not racing mate... clutch has shat itself, my new one won't be here in time :cry:
What way are we driving? Freeways, tollways, just random roads? takes you up the east side of the city from my joint, just wondering as I havent been before so as relying on somone knowing the way!