Mitsubishi part number for power window regulator


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May 31, 2007
Can anyone help me by giving me the Mitsubishi part number for the power window regulator in GSR - drivers window. The wire has twisted and tangled itself and I don't want to muck around with a second hand one from the wreckers or try and fix the current one (its badly damaged). My CC Lancer didn't come out with power windows standard and have been to an auto electrician who says the power windows are genuine. Now, I've been to a Mitsubishi dealership before and they won't be able to look the part up unless I have VIN number (no good as my car didn't come with power windows standard) or a part number for the power window regulator.
So if anyone could help me out with a part number, it would be greatly appreciated!
buy a new genuine one. dont buy second hand- trust me

The genuine ones are now revised with an extra stregthening bracket in place to stop wires from snapping out and then tangling..its obviously a common problem for them to have revised it in this exact way

Genuine are $145 each (price based on Mitsubishi Liverpool NSW) but they are well worth it... I replaced mine with a second hand one in the past and although it was only $40, it stuffed up a month later... ended up replacing it with genuine new one to find it had this new strengthening bracket in the exact spot that my old ones stuffed up in