NA 4G61 issues


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Bird Nerd
Jun 14, 2005
Hey fellas

Well, i have a small problem with the CB, seems wierd to me but then someone may be able to tell me what is going on from the description i am about to give.

The TEMP guage in the factory cluster is temperamental. Sometimes it works, and goes to normal operating temp within an allowable space of time. In this suituation, the heater works fine.

Sometimes, becoming more frequent now, after however long the car has been running, the TEMP guage will still sit in the OFF position. In this case, the heater will hardly work at all.

The guage can also be temperamental when im driving, EG, it may seem to be not working, and then all of a sudden go halfway to operating temp, or the full way to operating temp....... WTF is going on here?

Is it a thermostat issue? I dont think the guage itself is munted, as why would the guages position be affecting the heater operation?

any help much appreciated.
had the same problem with my car,

i just remove the thermostat and all the water temp sensors from the lower thermostat housing, gave them a good clean with a wire brush, made sure all the electrical connectors, connected properly and never had a problem since.

oh, i also cleaned the sensor at the bottom of the radiator

i just did all that, apart from the radiator one.

Which one out of all them was the most fouled on you car before you cleaned them?
the ones in the thermostat housing were the worst,

though i honestly dont think cleaning them would have made a difference, i think it was a shoddy contact that was the main problem in my case.

mine seems to be ok now, although i didnt really do anything apart from remove the three sensors from the thermostat housing and clean them quickly. They werent even dirty.......

but now the car seems to be ok so far. Temp guage goes to operating temp and stays there.

maybe mine has dodgy connections too?