new vr4


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Mar 12, 2011
hey there...i got myself a 92 model galant vr4 hh...and i also own a lancer cc gsr 1.8l turbo...both cars are stock as a rock...but the gsr goes harder???is dat suppose to happen,,i fort the 2.0 litre 4g63 wuld b quciker cosidering dey r both stock...da only fing dat is changed in da vr4 is dat its got a tdo5 16g instead of a tdo5 14b...the previous said he jus bolted that new turbo ryt on..wen driving da vr4 it feels lyk turbo lag but not 2 sure..wat do i need 2 do 2 bring dis beast back to full potential
Step 1: Please use whole words.. :)

Take into consideration the following.
VR4 is heavier.

Does it come on boost as normal? Do you know how much boost it is making? How does the car feel to drive? Does the boost come on smoother than the GSR and thus makes the GSR feel quicker?
lol sorry bout the words....when i launch, it feels like its a normal car without boost but then boost kicks in later..the boost comes slowly..but the gsr is like instant boost...not sure on how much boost the vr4 is be putting da boost gauge in 2dae..
Your GSR has a stock TD04l whereas your VR4 has a TD05h 16g.
Is this the difference you mean? Obviously there are different characteristics between the two turbo's.
lol i came 4rm nz 2 years ago....i live in brisbane now...
i figured what was wrong wif my has turbo lag due to the actuator of the wastegate not being tuned...atleast thats what i think lol
not sure..what do i do if its gone soft??

Repalce it :)

If you can move it with little force, the spring inside has lost tension.. I believe you can get replacement ones off ebay. If boost comes on slowly (Linear like a supercharger) Chances are the spring has died in the actuator.

If your not seeing full boost by 3500 rpm then definately sounds like its gone soft. :) (Someone correct me if im wrong, been a while since I have driven a 16g 2L).

Definately get a boost gauge on your car so you can see what its doing :)
Nah I haven't Dre. I'd be lucky to get through the first page and if I did, it would be with a massive headache lol

original vr4 - definately get a boost gauge if you haven't already got one man. It'll help you alot, instantaneously knowing whether the engine is on boost or not.
I'd try and help you out if I had the time champ...but I don't have much of that :(
Whereabouts in Brisbane are you located?
Nah I haven't Dre. I'd be lucky to get through the first page and if I did, it would be with a massive headache lol

original vr4 - definately get a boost gauge if you haven't already got one man. It'll help you alot, instantaneously knowing whether the engine is on boost or not.
I'd try and help you out if I had the time champ...but I don't have much of that :(
Whereabouts in Brisbane are you located?

its located in the southside of brisbane 4114...