Oil Feeedback :)


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May 25, 2007
I was browsing over the "which oil do you use thread" and saw that a lot of you guys use brands of oil that they don't sell here in the Bahamas. However, we do have Castrol and wondered for a climate like the Bahamas (if it matters) which "weight oil" would be best to go with on my Evo 1 ? The guy that serviced my car about 2-3 months ago said he used Castrol 20w/50 oil and a half of a bottle of Lucus oil (for whatever reason). I wanted to do another oil change later this week and was curious what you guys suggested. Also, would Castrol syntrans 75w/85 be a good option for replacing my gearbox fluid?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I did search quite a bit for answers, but like I said, I found that most of you guys use other brands than aren't sold here and also, the Bahamas' climate is a bit different (if it at all matters)

Thanks again :)
15W-40 for dead set daily driving with zero thrashing.

10W-40 if you give it some stick

10W-30 if it lives above 5k rpm.


75W-85 should be fine for the box.
My car by its previous owner as far as im aware was using Castrol GTX3 15-40W which is a mineral based oil. I used it a few times also and seemed fine too, just gets black towards the 5,000km mark.

I then tried Motul 4100 Power, 15-50W which is semi-synthetic and was fine. Alot of people were recommending Motul 4100 Turbolite which is 10-40w. Problem is the stuff is expensive :)

My mechanic now use's oil by Oleon (aust. brand), which is semi-synthetic also and seems fine as well and I've found their website now too which wasnt there last year :D
Not sure, but there's a place I will check today. I won't be doing the oil change until next week anyways so I have time.

Thanks again! :)
I went to look for the gear oil and saw castrol syntec gear oil 75w-90 and it says it is fully synthetic which has me a bit worried. Is that fine to use or should I not use something fully synthetic? :)
I dont think there should be any problem using fully synthetic oil, it just means it is 100% man made, it's "meant" to to better! :)