Performance garages around North Melbourne?


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Active Member
Jun 11, 2016
Hi guys,

Can anyone recommend a performance shop that has experience with Mitsubishi around the North Melbourne area?

I have a 5mm oversized throttle body and need the intake of the plenum enlarged to suit.
Your best bet would be to remove the manifold yourself and then take it and the throttle body to a workshop if you don't have a die-grinder. Much easier than transporting the car around and having them store it - plus they won't be able to charge you for labour to remove the parts.

There's a few places that I could recommend you contact to do the die-grinding but they aren't in North Melbourne.
I do my own, could do yours but needs to be removed prior, when did ya want it done? Minimum charge would be $50 bux as the bits are 30-40 bux alone
Thanks everyone for the replies.

Yes I should have stated that I will remove everything from the car and supply it ready for grinding.

ENGINR said:
Your best bet would be to remove the manifold yourself and then take it and the throttle body to a workshop if you don't have a die-grinder. Much easier than transporting the car around and having them store it - plus they won't be able to charge you for labour to remove the parts.

There's a few places that I could recommend you contact to do the die-grinding but they aren't in North Melbourne.
Yes please, if you could provide a list that would be appreciated. I also need 276mm rotors redrilled to 4X100 if you know anyone who can do this?

BYBY5L said:
I do my own, could do yours but needs to be removed prior, when did ya want it done? Minimum charge would be $50 bux as the bits are 30-40 bux alone
I'll send you a PM
You have probably already sorted this out by now Spetz, but for reference Dynoseek is worth checking out - It has a good list of performance workshops searchable by location and category.

It may help yourself and others next time you are chasing a local workshop for this kind of thing.
Yes they do however they are thinner than the minimum thickness for the stock Evo 3 rotor and as I want to take the car to the track I think it's best to redrill Evo 3 rotors rather than use mini rotors
Hey mate, what's your engine/turbo/ecu setup? I'm in Coburg and can take a look at what you have got- I'm pretty sure there's something else we can check out/find/discover that won't require pulling your intake manny off and will net you some seat-of-the-pants hp and won't cost you a cent...

Drop me a PM
