Performance Motorshow: Melb Showgrounds 8-10th June 2013


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Ill be down in VIC for 3 weeks from tomorrow!

Based at Albury / Wodonga (Ted im coming to visit) and yeah I want to get to Melbourne anyway for the long weekend!
Sounds like another reason to go!

Should do a cruise or meetup too! Dre, Baz, Dan, Jayrome, Trav etc.... :thumbsup:
Hey... Got one response from you guys about me visiting... I'm on a small budget.. Who can put me up for a night or two...jayrome?? Dre?? Help a 4gtuner brother out... :)
Give BYBY5L a bell homie... (check out the meet thread, he offered to hook you up)

i'd hook you up bro but I moved back home...
an besides that jay lives around the corner from me... which is still ages out, surely one of you tight ass bastards can give him a room closer to the city than me or jay :lol:
Ok well my 2 accommodation hooks ups had to bail last minute with work away from city so I got boned!! Least I wasn't stuck in the city and we were only near the airport dropping another mate off!! so thanks for the ppl who offered me their place to stay but I'm back in Wodonga now... Have fun to the guys going to the show and the sun cruise!!

:eek: ****** hell bro ya should of just stayed here then, me an the missus could have dropped ya at the airport and ya could of used my shitbox hyundai to get around!
well next time ya down, dont be shy, in the time i've been on 4g, ya helped me out more than once so im more than happy to repay the help, :thumbsup:

and the rest of you's :thumbsdown:
Ahh **** I didn't see this... Cheers to Dre, Dan and Byby for the offers... Sometimes I can be a bit shy in the big old city!! I'm only a country boy by heart and I was a bit concerned about finding somewhere to stay at such short notice and find a charge point for the mobile...

Dre, I hope you came through on that couch gag?? Lol :p
yeah that's the usual cost of just getting in ay, thats why i tend to steer away from the paid events,
also last time i went 1 of these things, there were just a bunch of fat head f-wits standing by there display pretending to adjust stuff so everyone would know its their car and i guess to maybe get in everyones pics,
on the plus side ya do pick up good deals