awesome, if it can be done it will be done!
yesterday i started looking into a mech diff swap, my gearbox has a 3.9 ratio. ive gotten some rediculous quotes for evo 9 rs diffs, ive also found a 2g rear lsd from the states for round about a 3rd of the cost of a 9RS diff, no cv's though. i just need some verification; if i buy the evo9 differential and cv's, will it be as simple as throwing the diff in the galant and off we go? or will i have to change out planetary gear from my diff? i feel id be in over my head pulling apart the 9 diff considering how much the wreckers are asking for it. id probably wait for the dsm lsd to get here and pull that apart.
also if i currently have a viscious setup, so i wouldvhave to have my front diff converted aswell?
thanks for your help everyone