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To all the boys out there copping defects for rediculous reasons:

I'm sick of hearing the BS that the police put car enthusiasts through. Let's face it, the cops have no idea about the law when it comes to automotive applications and engineering and they have no right to overule an engineering signatory's professional recommendations in their specialised field of expertise. If we all become more educated in how 'they' operate then I bet most of the time we could tear up the notice in their faces and they cant do anything about it because they have no legally binding document to back their claims up.  :evil: 

I always thought that the Police should advise you the exact law you have broken once it has been commited? not rattle off crap like you're not allowed to have this, not allowed to have that, that's considered illegal etc.

Under Freedom Of Information or other means, is it possible to obtain Police guidelines and procedures in relation to identifying and enforcing automotive inspections? Or is it a book in their library that's 5 inches thick and when you open it up all the pages are blank and grey or written in magical invisible ink?  :lol:

What I'm trying to get at is, how do we know if we are breaking the law when we abide by the Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Modifications in regard to owner-certified modifications, but the Police still get you for 'non-standard' fitment!  Wouldnt it be better if we can read it in black and white and abide by it rather than have them make it up as they seem fit if they find nothing obviously wrong with the car?. Half the crap I hear people get defected for is utter BS and unsubstantiated and irrelevant.

Im not inciting anti-police fanatacism here, just the process of how they have gone about defecting vehicles over the last few years without one shred of evidence that I have come across to state the contrary in black and white.

If you had a policeman walk up to you in the street and said 'you're not allowed to wear blue shoes' and hand you a ticket... how would you have known it was the law until after it had been broken??? and they have the right to label some drivers as 'repeat offenders' when most of the general population are clueless as to what's Ok and what's not until after the offence has been commited :roll:

... just my 2 cents to vent out and get it off my chest as it still angers me that it has been going on for so long  :oops:
