Possibly need part picked up an posted from Brisbane


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Mar 14, 2009
Hi all, just looking at a car part to buy up in Brisbane cbd area,
Its only a smallish part but the seller isnt keen to post so will need someone to pick it up an pay them an then forward it on to me.
If anyone can help out, pm me.
i might be doing a part run to the sunshine coast tomorow so may also be available to collect have a pm to me by tomorrow with a phone number if i'm doing the run i'll call you
Thanks Kyle, it should be sweet I think, I think Andrew might be on to it for me now
Appreciate the offer though man and thanks to Parabola for the offer too
Thanks man, pretty sure its all sorted now,
But BIG cheers to the qld crew, awesome to see the help on the forum is still strong, you fallahs are doin it right!
I remember driving up to Brizzie one time over NYE and handed out parts to almost everyone at the meet. I felt like Santa lol

Then I spanked a brand new WRX in my old Galant GSR that Mo (MDK87) kindly let me drive for one last time :thumbsup: