Power window stopped working


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Apr 1, 2005
Melbourne VIC
I've been installing some components in the front doors of my RVR- everything looked good until the passenger side power window stopped working! :evil: :twisted:

The drivers side works fine. I swapped switches incase a circut was broken, but it didn't fix the problem. I put 12v into the motor to get the window up so thats not the problem. I have triple checked all the wiring, and nothing apeears to be loose- my crossovers and components dont even come close to the window loom.

Any ideas before I take it off to an auto electrician?

God I hate electrical issues! Talk about a clutzy thing to happen!! :lol: :lol:
CLuTZ said:
265T said:
bad earth? that's what it was on my vr4

Apart from the 2 wires that go to the motor, is there a separate earth? I cant seem to find one.

the earth would be where its bolted onto the door

I would check the motor on the window and manualy hook up the power or the switch would be worn out
the entire door has one big ass terminal block that attaches it to the main wiring harness to the car... check if its still pluged in correctly.... or and wires have been accidently stretched
turn the key on ignition (or whatever is needed usually to use the electric windows) and then use a test light on each of the wires going into the motor - one should be live and one should be ground

If the test light works on one of the two, then the motor is getting a 12v source meaning its probably the negative wire

if you dont have a test light, buy one, theyre 5 bucks ;)
that happened to me once dre.....it did my head in! then i realized i accidently pressed the window lock button :lol:
Jayrome was right- it actually turned out to be the plug of the loom on the inside of the door which had come loose on one end- it took me a while to get it back on properly (its a carnt of a thing) but all is well again, thank god
**** it popped out again just before- ******* fark!!!! :twisted: :evil:

Im getting sick of taking the door trim on and off :lol:
Cable tie around the whole thing holding it together or two....
like in between the wires so it wont fall of the edge

Don't worry Harry, I did that once as well took me ages to figure out wtf was going on...
I was almost about to reapace a centre rear window regulator the other day on a ML Triton because it wasn't working....only to find out the window lock button activates that window too :oops: Dahhh...me a makanik