we think that the main cause was the stubby shaft for the balance shaft eliminator, as it wasn't a genuine part it didn't have an oil gallery, so it kind of welded itself into the oil pump, which in turn locked up the other side of the oil pump...when this happened the crank is still turning at something like 3000 times per minute so when the gear on the oil pump stopped the belt wanted to keep going and the nut ripped straight off the end of the oil pump get and the gear came off...bloody strong timing belt...so the parts to be replaced thus far are
1. timing belt
2. valves (in and ex)
3. valve guides
4. oil pump
5. stubby shaft
6. head gasket
7. valve stem seals
8. transfer case seals
9. front cover
10. oil filter housing
i'm sure there will be more, but i don't want to have to look at that yet