Proposed: Team4G Vic Dyno Day //// SCRAPED...


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Put my name down....

I wanna see what I can get with my carby, cam and extractor setup... So far ive spent 300 bones.. I wanna see how much power 300 bones buys me... LOL. Plus i wanna see how much smoke the old girl spits out at 5000rpm....

wsant to set a date to suit everybodies needs?

looks like a few boys are getting some stuff done who cant wait to dyno it..

is next month good??
im good with next month..

everybody else??
Firstly we need to get 20 cars together then within that 20 car group discuss a date that is feesable for everyone otherwise it will just be a hit and miss decision.

put me down jstyle.. how much do u guys think my cars pushing atw's..


3"catback, hiflow cat, 13psi.

im thinking 150kw atw's...?
I'm down for this. I'll be o/s from July 14 - July 26th. So anytime after that would be great !
just confirming, when i get my car back im definatly in depending on the date.
At this stage in time.. due to unforseen circumstances im going to have to withdraw from organising this dyno day.

If you would like to see it run please message one of the moderators about it as my rights have been removed and i no longer wish to participate or even run an event for a club which i was stripped acesss off without consultation.

so since jon has been removed is anyone interested in it being organsing still?
what happened jon?
i think strudle has been sleeping under a rock for the past few days.. or even weeks haha..
i have previously tried to organise this event, at this venue and people didn't show too much interest.i would be quite happy to continue to organise this as i know Ray at RE Customs quite well and i was the one who originally approached him about holding this dyno day at his premises. The details are as jon posted originally and if people wanna put their hands up, we can get some numbers and maybe then organise a date. Cheers Justin
Justin go for it.

start a new thread to minimise confusion. I think early August would be a good bet.


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