Rattle gun on turbo bolts?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2013
Like the title says. I haven't pulled the turbo off a 4g for about 13 years, but I remember the bolts all being nice and rusted together. This time I have a rattle gun and air ratchet available to me. Is it a good idea to use these, or am I going to just shear the bolts?
Have you got a blow torch? I have had great success with exhaust bolts using a small blow torch, in fact it's all I use. I picked up a crème brulee torch from Aldi a while back for about $8, and it's refillable too.
Heat up the nut for 30 sec or so and see if it will crack loose.
I wouldn't put a rattle gun on exhaust/manifold nuts, if they shear off, and they most likely will, you'll be up for a hefty contribution to the swear jar.
Some of the other guys might chime in with a few ideas as well.
My 2c
spray wd40 for a few nights in a row then breaker bar, that has been my exhaust and turbo go to for a while.
Rattle gun may shear them off and that is NOT fun!
We sell this stuff called freeze it which is meant to be a freeze spray that you spray onto the nut and it breaks the rust up, haven't tried it but it looks cool :D
Heat as well is meant to be the bees knees but haven't tried it.
Just come back from the shed n done this job. Two of the bolts were seized solid so I borrowed the neighbors 'red spanner'. Yep helps to put a bit of heat into them.
i have a few go to item for hard nuts and bolts.
1) bolt off my god this stuff is awesome
2) heat
3) cold I find an inverted can of compressed air duster does the trick at being super cold fast
4) both heat and cold (heat the outer fastener then cool the inner the combination make for maximum difference in metal sizes heat expands cold contracts)
Neversieze is the go, but make sure you get the nickel based. To undo seized rusty bolts, the best stuff is "Penetrene" or some companies call it "Penetron" it is like WD40 on steroids, we can undo bolts at work that don't even look like bolts anymore with that stuff. It is more liquid than WD40 ans other stuff so it soaks right in and also has a higher acid amount which really eats the rust away.