Read about traffic fines


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And the first poor people that try this end up with the fine + court costs. Do this at your own peril. Better idea is not to speed, run red lights or get caught. Fixed speed cameras and X-trails are really easy to spot and avoid, actual cops on the road are even easier to avoid...... Their isn't any anymore.........all tied up doing the paperwork.
What I really hate is how they ask leading questions when they pull you up. "Do you have any reason for speeding today?" Your mind hears "speeding" and instantly prepares "no", and that's what they use as admission of guilt, so be

careful how you answer.

I was pulled up once and asked the same question, to which I replied "Do you have any reason for asking a leading question?" The cop chuckled, I didn't admit to anything, explained that I was keeping with the flow of traffic blah

blah, all ended well, but I suppose it depends on the officer as to whether you'll be able to talk the situation out or not.

I think that having a device which allows me to know where they are using RADAR and LiDAR is completely justified, I feel it's my right as an Australian to know where they are, and use the reminder to check and ensure I'm driving at

a safe speed, isn't safety the whole point of the exercise?

It's much the same as seeing a speed limit sign IMO.

The system is biased! A person driving a POS Datsun 120y can do the same speed as my 2012 Dualis legally, guess which one stops in the shortest distance? Does this mean I can travel at a higher speed? I mean, if the laws are

set for the lowest common denominator than surely a newer car packed full of ABS, EBD, ESC, TCS and 6 airbags should be able to travel at a higher speed safely. There are even brands of tyres that advertise that they can

decrease stopping distance! If I fit these, can I do 65kp/h instead of 60? It's fkn ridiculous!

This whole setup ***** me, I get really enthusiastic about it (for want of a better way to say it) :p
To many rules here.
I suggest we have a set of rules for ********* and another set for normal people.

If you get caught your caught. Simple.
Last traffic guy asked why I was in such a hurry. I said if I was in a hurry I wouldnt have stopped for you. (On the zx9r in the suburbs)
He offered to drop the speed from 86kph down to 82 (60 zone). I said dont bother, unless you drop it to 79 it makes no difference.

I would be so pissed if I got caught for 199 kph. Let me try again, please.


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A guy in Townsville was fined for 61 in a 60 zone, work that one out!

I heard a lot of people bitching about this incident without knowing the story.
The guy has no license has been caught multiple times for alcohol & drug offenses. He's work colleagues have been asked to call the police if they see him driving. The police are trying whatever they can to get him off the road.
Not sure how many of you actually took a fine to court.

Based on x2 personal experiences where I took it to court and represented myself it is definitely worth it.

You don't pay any court fees or anything like that if you 'loose'. You just pay the fine!
The only other thing you would pay is for a lawyer if you've hired one.
Remember we're all paying for these courts out of our own pockets as tax! Why not exercise your right and go for gold? WORST CASE you pay the fine.

Don't be a pussy and take your speeding tickets/parking fines/etc to court! Remember you're innocent until proven guilty.

Best advice I can give anyone is if you ever get stopped by the police, do not ever give them more information than absolutely necessary.

e.g. 'why were you speeding', 'why did you run that red light', 'did you know you went x k's over the limit' etc. should all be answered in a 'I don't know' or 'no comment' fashion (politely ofcourse). That way they won't use your words against you in court!
Parabola said:
A guy in Townsville was fined for 61 in a 60 zone, work that one out!

I heard a lot of people bitching about this incident without knowing the story.
The guy has no license has been caught multiple times for alcohol & drug offenses. He's work colleagues have been asked to call the police if they see him driving. The police are trying whatever they can to get him off the road.
Goes to show you can't trust the media at all, they'll paint whatever picture makes sales........yellow journalism strikes again!
I'm a hoon, no fines for 8 years, two in the last 10 weeks, 65 in a 60 and 77 in a 70, I'm ambivalent about it because I'm at fault (should have been paying more attention) but sheesh! The 77 in a 70 was on a 3 lane carriageway that had been 80, so not a huge risk to society. I was still doing 77 after the speed camera clocked me so I am not sure how that improved safety (if that is the argument) . My beef with the whole system is that one size fits all, the person in an unsafe car, with a bad record, gets the same as the person in a very safe car with a really good record. In my ideal world the powers that be would look at the offender and say "Gosh, he has not had a ticket for 10 years and it was only 5 km over, we wil give him/her a warning and say don't do it again". If you get busted 3 times in a year then sure, take some points and fine him/her!
^^ I wrote something a while back about using compulsory fuel cards. It went something along the lines of the more you get caught speeding, the more you pay for fuel, the extra monies get divided up to reduce the cost of fuel for those that have a good/clean driving record. Then if you did enough bad, your fuel card is cancelled and you can't buy fuel (same as losing your license but it actually makes it hard to drive much if you can't buy fuel). Good get rewarded, bad get punished and the fat controllers get **** all.
I got a half price licence last Monday cos I've not had an offence in 5 years. Haha my brother laughed when I told him and said he was surprised.

As I've mentioned previously my mate took a false dui charge to court (he was home in his driveway so that can't breathalyze you if you have returned to your residence) yet in the officer's opinion he had been drinking so it's classed as high range. Took it thru court 5 times, judge ended up saying it
was a waste of his time and threw it out.
thing is if you have been observed operating a motor vehicle on a public carriage way you can be tested at your residence. only if the officers have witnessed you turn of the public road way into you residence.
One word people........ Troy Buswell.

Well, that's two words, but he is proof that you can be pissed as a mute, drive home crashing into everything you can including other peoples cars, then claim some **** like a mental break down, and walk away from a DUI charge like your made of teflon.

Google the name. It's under 'Teflon mother ******' or '**** you dumb ***** that pay my wage'.

Rant over.
For those of you that aren't from Perth or read news. The 'Buswell' incident.

WA treasurer gets smashed at a wedding, his 'mates' apparently let him drive home, he hits 4 x park cars, a power pole and his own front gate. He gets found out because the car behind him calls the cops. This is the sate premieres right hand man. And if it were you or I, of course we would be treated the same............. (Has the audio from the call to the cops)