What I really hate is how they ask leading questions when they pull you up. "Do you have any reason for speeding today?" Your mind hears "speeding" and instantly prepares "no", and that's what they use as admission of guilt, so be
careful how you answer.
I was pulled up once and asked the same question, to which I replied "Do you have any reason for asking a leading question?" The cop chuckled, I didn't admit to anything, explained that I was keeping with the flow of traffic blah
blah, all ended well, but I suppose it depends on the officer as to whether you'll be able to talk the situation out or not.
I think that having a device which allows me to know where they are using RADAR and LiDAR is completely justified, I feel it's my right as an Australian to know where they are, and use the reminder to check and ensure I'm driving at
a safe speed, isn't safety the whole point of the exercise?
It's much the same as seeing a speed limit sign IMO.
The system is biased! A person driving a POS Datsun 120y can do the same speed as my 2012 Dualis legally, guess which one stops in the shortest distance? Does this mean I can travel at a higher speed? I mean, if the laws are
set for the lowest common denominator than surely a newer car packed full of ABS, EBD, ESC, TCS and 6 airbags should be able to travel at a higher speed safely. There are even brands of tyres that advertise that they can
decrease stopping distance! If I fit these, can I do 65kp/h instead of 60? It's fkn ridiculous!
This whole setup ***** me, I get really enthusiastic about it (for want of a better way to say it)