Recommend an engine builder/machinist in Melbourne


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Active Member
Jun 11, 2016
Hi everyone,

I am after an engine builder/machinist and was hoping someone could direct me to one that they've had a good experience with?

If there is someone to be avoided as well feel free to PM me.

Area does not matter too much
Saliba engines did mine. Not cheap but they do lots of v8 supercar engines. Tolerances were spot on but a bit slow.
Thanks Bazeng, I called them but they said they are so booked out they cannot even provide a quote until late September
Geez.... Shows how much work they have..

What's your next plan? Calm Sandown Mechanical... I know they have rebuilt a few 4g63s recently.. Maybe they can tell you where they would go.. or maybe they can sneak you into Salibas
To be honest my interest would be in assembling the motor myself but of course I'd need to get a few things professionally done, like cylinder bore and/or hone, crank polishing etc.

I called one particular engine builder and though I am sure it was "the new guy" on the phone but he clearly had no idea about anything, so there is no confidence in going to just any engine builder/machinist.
Try these guys:
Duggan Balancing in Reservoir.

My mate has his race engine parts machined by them and then he re-assembles his engine himself.
Thanks everyone who responded.

To clarify, I did a cold compression test on my motor and the figures were all over the place which made me think something is wrong.
I have since done a hot compression test and compression was very good and all cylinders within 2% of one another.

So luckily it seems I have escaped the need for an engine builder.