Remove the whole Air Con System???


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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2006
Melbourne, Victoria
hey pplz,
as u know i have removed my whole engine to get painted.... my air con in my car never worked, as the compressor is stuffed, n is leaking.... it had no gas in the system... so i removed all the gas hoses, n everything from the car, i even took off the compressor...

i was thinking of leaking the whole thing off... is this a good idea or its stupid? like would u loose heaps of value for the car (not like i would sell it anyways)

its made heaps of room on the engine itself as it worked on its own belt and self adjustment... so i removed all that too...
cool... yeah keeping all the parts just incase my mind changes, but god it has made so much room, n yeah it all weighs alot, so thats just a extra bonis...
cool i thought it was a good idea... its not like mine worked anyways... plus i would never use it anyways, as i love having the windows down :D makes HEAPS n HEAPS of room too...
id keep it.

the cars came with it factory, and came with other luxuries such as power windows fold in mirrors etc etc. whats a few extra kgs for air con as a luxury

if you really want weight reduction and are serious about it, may as well remove all the other luxurys listed above or buy an RS model :shock:
you will have to leave the compressor bracket on
or make up a spacer that is the same thickness as the
intermediate shaft bolts on over the top of the bracket
I just had my aircon converted to the 'new' non CFC
type gas. My GSR has to be cool and comfortable for the misses
and rug-rat when we go for cruises in the summer....

otherwise we'd have to go in her old Falcon :oops:
pfffft... who needs aircon...

and who wants to drive a turbo in summer... too damn hot for the car to run nicely...
Ah you're in Melbourne, you dont need aircon, just a heater (I noticed all the boys who replied above and removed it live in VIC :lol: ) Those of us further north need it or we slow bake in Summer :)
What do you need all this extra room for! I say fix it and keep it you'll wish you had it on a 40 degree day in summer in your black car.