Removing Bleed Valve.


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Feb 28, 2007
Melbourne VIC
hi guys,
dont know much engine wise...any help would be appreciated.
Need this off to get my roadworthy....
to remove the bleed valve do i simply take it off and reconnect the pipe?
this is the little thing that controls the boost right? such a little item does this? I also take it that this is connected to my boost controller...where does it connect?
thanks in advance
You should have a standard boost control solenoid somewhere, the vacuum lines connect from the wastegate, to the BCS, to the nipple that the other end of your bleed valve was connected. If you don't have the BCS either pick one up or connect the wastegate direct to the nipple and pray they don't know any better :D
how is your bleed valve set up?

is it tee'd off the hose that comes from the wastegate actuator? (the gold round thing on the turbo)

if so, take the tee-piece out, and connect the line from the boost control solenoid to the wastegate actuator and it should be sweet.
Do you really need the boost control solenoid though?

Cant you just connect the hose from the output of the turbo to the wastegate, and remove the T-Piece? Im 99% sure this will run stock boost and will be fine.

Rather than connecting the output of the turbo to a t-piece which one end goes to the wastegate and the other end of the t-piece to this boost control solenoid which then connects back into the intake.

From my understanding, the output pressure from the turbo connects to the wastegate, which is what controls your boost. Once it hits a certain pressure, the wastegate cpens, and stops the turbo from making more pressure/boost. Its a closed system/vacumm. With a bleed valve installed, its not really a closed system as it leaks some/precise amount of air, therefore the turbo has to create more pressure/boost for the wastegate to be able to read the same pressure as it would without a bleed valve because a bit of the air is being leaked into the atmosphere and not all of it is reaching the wastegate. This in a way is tricking the wastegate to keep closed longer, so you can get more boost. I assume bleeding air into the atmosphere is the reason why the bleed valve must be remove, same reason as atmosphere bov's.

Heres a thread I posted a while ago when I had to get another bleed valve, richard explained it pretty well.
had a closer look,
the largish pipe that connects my cooler to the turbo has a little attachment thingy sticking out,
which leads skinny pipe to my bleed valve, which in turn connectes to my wastegate actuator.
What i have done is

pipe > =======(bleed valve)======== < pipe

simply cut the pipe where the bleed valve is and reconnected the pipe without it....
is this correct?
How does it drive? I think that should work, I guess you will be putting the tap back in place once roadwothy etc all done?
All you should need to do is get a bit of vaccum hose, run it straight to the actuator, and block off the old hose that went there. (or completely remove)
Dean said:
had a closer look,
the largish pipe that connects my cooler to the turbo has a little attachment thingy sticking out,
which leads skinny pipe to my bleed valve, which in turn connectes to my wastegate actuator.
What i have done is

pipe > =======(bleed valve)======== < pipe

simply cut the pipe where the bleed valve is and reconnected the pipe without it....
is this correct?


Just remove the bleed valve, and connect a hose from the output of the turbo/input side of the intercooler to the wastegate actuator. Done.
lefty said:
Dean said:
had a closer look,
the largish pipe that connects my cooler to the turbo has a little attachment thingy sticking out,
which leads skinny pipe to my bleed valve, which in turn connectes to my wastegate actuator.
What i have done is

pipe > =======(bleed valve)======== < pipe

simply cut the pipe where the bleed valve is and reconnected the pipe without it....
is this correct?


Just remove the bleed valve, and connect a hose from the output of the turbo/input side of the intercooler to the wastegate actuator. Done.

excellent, drives ok, bit quicker when it was on......
soon as i get this roady its goin straight back on
i just needed confirmation for my own wellbeing :)
thanks all