Do a presure test and find what's leaking first. It may not be your vacuum mio sounds different doesnt it... if im leaking boost should i change my vac and boost lines!!?
All pipework including intercooler. That will tell you if any vacuum lines are leaking or anything else including blow off. If nothing is leaking then it's just your boost controller not being able to hold constant boost.pressure test on what though?
Why do some BOVs just have one sneeze, and others have an awesome sounding chatter?
I know my stock did until i got Tomie evo VIII MRhey my car makes this noise shshhhhhh when driving and i cant hit boost like b4, so maybe its my BOV, maybe i should block it off, and revs drop aswell like 600 kind of annoying me so yeah im gonna check it out tomorrow or asap with george down at chelsea
lol, no it is the bov hrmm, kos when i was blocking the bov it ran good then put this **** monza crap on it started getting those noise