Simple Question..pinging @ 5 degrees


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E III Recaro Pilot
Oct 9, 2005
Gold Coast
Just pikd the car up.. :)

Car pinged on boost :cry:

The car is due for all the usuall **** like plugs,oil and filters.Though i thought this was a compliance neccesity?? :?

So i checked the timing with the earth pin on the firewall connected as i should have.Said 5 degrees.i wound back to about 3 degrees.Stopped pinging.

The car has ultimate in it,but hasnt had a full tank thru it since it came from japan with watevr was in the tank (probably Rubbish)

Anyone know why it would ping on 5 degrees?
It is completely standard.

Run 2 tanks of fuel through it, use a fuel system cleaner.

That fixed mine.

Mine did more or less the same.

Does it blow HEAPS of black smoke on boost?
if the plugs are shagged, then that probably wouldnt help.
just throw a new set in there anyway, they're only $2.78/plug or something.
Entaran said:
Run 2 tanks of fuel through it, use a fuel system cleaner.

That fixed mine.

Mine did more or less the same.

Does it blow HEAPS of black smoke on boost?

Nah from wat ive been told its not smoky at all.
I bought that octane booster/fuel cleaner in one,with a tank of optimax,its better.
I'll just keep running it for a few tanks,did the plugs as well,i gapped the bp6es 11 down to.765 gap and its running ok now.

I'll bring the timing back up to 5 deg in a week or two,see how i go.