slow cranking


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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
Liverpool NSW
trying to get my car to start but it doesn't seem to be cranking over fast enough, I've tried swapping out starter motors and didn't help. timing is spot on and battery is good and doesn't drop that much when cranking. anyone have any ideas??
all the earth's seem to be good, be hard to get the 4wd to jump the car battery is in the boot. Ill try disconnecting the battery and using that on the gsr.
I had this problem with my car.
The batteries were all ***** and my earths looked fine but were too small.
For earths I've got a 2b&s front he chassis to gearbox/starter bolt.
A 6b&s from the fire wall to the intake
4b&s from the timing side of the engine to the strut tower.
I had to grind all the earth points clean and it was good.

For the positives I Also made a new 2b&s cable from my battery stud in the bay to the starter.
Battery in the boot, 70mm2 (welding cable) to stud in Bay.
I too have had the starter problem after going with the b in b, when I finally got sick of it being hard to start I upgraded the whole power/ earth feeds to Copper
Earth- 3x 2ga cables (attached at boot, under rear seat and then to the fire wall with 4 straps to the engine)
power to 2x 2ga (1 via a breaker and kill switch and the other was straight to the starter in Kevlar sleeves)
Started every time after a short stop but was hard to start after sitting, found out my battery had a dead cell (over charged when I borrowed a mates charger that didn't auto shut off) after a new one I never had an issue,
Maybe get a multimeter and check what the voltage does under cranking load with just the GSR battery, if it's a dead cell the voltage will drop significantly
ive changed some earth wires and gonna connect the car to my 4x4 so fingers cross that gives it enough juice to kick over. I suspect it might have something to do with battery, even though holds charge could still be ******.
holding a charge is nothing you'll only tell if a batery is good by checking it's volts with a multimeter while cranking anything under 11v is BAD
okay so all earths have been replaced or grounded correctly, I replaced my battery with my massive 4wd battery and still nothing. could there be any other causes? like engine internals or something??
Make sure transmission is in neutral
Take out the spark plugs and see if it cranks over faster.
Try turning the engine over by hand to see if it is really difficult or normal.
Did you install double valve springs and high lift cams?
Did you just do an engine rebuild and fitted new pistons and rings?
Remove the starter motor and hook it up to a battery source to see if it engages and kicks like a bucking bronco on the garage floor, or if it spins slow. It should tick and spin extremely fast. If it ticks and spins relatively slow it could be the problem.
the head has been serviced so not sure whats been replaced, i know it has bc springs but thats all. checked starter and works I've even borrowed another starter and still nothing. Im changing the power cable to starter motor and redoing most of the cables fingers crossed it works.
Could be clutch drag too on the flywheel. Try cranking it over with your foot on the clutch. If it spins fast, your clutch is not releasing fully.
so after changing all the power and earth cables that car seems to crank normal. But I'm left with the dilemma of the car still not starting! :fuuuuu: :fuuuuu:
I have spark, fuel, fuel pressure, injectors are working and timing is correct. Any suggestions to get the bastard started??
When I couldn't get mine started, the tuner discovered a dead ignition module. It's worth a shot.
Was weird because I tested the plugs by pulling them and earthing them on the rocker cover too.