Hi There!
Does anyone know here the compass/clock temperature sensor (Or more specifically, the thermistor) is? My Compass temperature gauge just sits there going "EO" repeatedly, which I understand to mean "Error". I'm pretty sure it's not the head unit (Display) as the rest of the display works fine. The only reference to any sort temperature sensor on a Mitsubishi is for a Montero, a completely different vehicle of course. I would appreciate any assistance here. Does anyone know if the thermistor can be replaced?
Does anyone know here the compass/clock temperature sensor (Or more specifically, the thermistor) is? My Compass temperature gauge just sits there going "EO" repeatedly, which I understand to mean "Error". I'm pretty sure it's not the head unit (Display) as the rest of the display works fine. The only reference to any sort temperature sensor on a Mitsubishi is for a Montero, a completely different vehicle of course. I would appreciate any assistance here. Does anyone know if the thermistor can be replaced?