Went to the drags and ended the run on 2/3 cyls Oil& water temps ok on drive home no smoke, so pulled plugs comp test all 165-170 psi, installed different plugs had dinner started up on all 4 so went 4 a drive and app 3 k 's it started intermittently and got worse so changed leads ,swapped over coils & leads, same result So installed new #1 LS1 coil still no fix can hear injectors clicking and have spark @ plugs so pulled injectors and tested & cleaned and a cold comp test still 165-170 an all 4 while inj's were out and still no fix
Have an E6X on waste spark and if it was playing up then #4 cyl should be miss firing as well ???
Now after doing all of the above it starts missing on start up which leads me to think that it may be a faulty hyd lifter that is ok @ cranking speeds but not when there is oil pressure ?????
Have an E6X on waste spark and if it was playing up then #4 cyl should be miss firing as well ???
Now after doing all of the above it starts missing on start up which leads me to think that it may be a faulty hyd lifter that is ok @ cranking speeds but not when there is oil pressure ?????