AUS_VR4 said:Not going to be able to make have to work all day and I haven't been able to get it covered.
Nooooooooo. "Oh what a feeling" just turned into a very lonely feeling.AUS_VR4 said:Not going to be able to make have to work all day and I haven't been able to get it covered.
I have been watching that on the long range forecast since Monday. Fingers crossed that the weather guys stay consistent and get it wrong as usual.ONPSI said:They are predicting rain/storms Saturday :fuuuuu: just saw on the news
When you are done, you can have a crack at a firewall brace for me as I have the same problem.JETGSR said:I'm currently building a firewall brace for my clutch! 10mm worth of flex is a bit much!
hey mate,evolvr44 said:Hey all...
Im hoping to meet up with you all milton maccas hehehehe
:unsure: Not yet, but give it time, I seem to manage to collect cars whether I like it or not.JETGSR said:dont surpose you have a spare echo there?
No, it's leaking which means you be running rich. It should only be "open" when you take your foot off the gas.blackers10 said:i THINK The bov is opening slightly on boost as holding it at 4k ish rpm while accelerating the bov opens (is that normal?)
Bring 4l of oil with you, there will be breaks where you can top it up.vr4goleta said:wish i could make it but my car is leaking a bit too much oil, which i wont be able to fix till after xmas
hopefully next year