Terminal to ground at Diagnostics plug?


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Jun 17, 2005
Hi guys,
Does anyone know which terminal to ground at the diagnostics plug under the dash when setting up the base idle speed on the RVR/Chariot? The workshop manuals always refer to connecting the MUT to the diagnostic plug which automatically earths it - but Im just wanting to know which pin to earth out at the plug then I'll earth out the ignition timing connector in the engine bay to set the base idle.
Not sure which pin exactly, but do you have the ecu pinout for the RVR?

It should list that pin, find the colour and check the back of that diagnostic plug for that wire colour or buzz it out with a multimetre.

It's the hard way i know but if you don't get any answers, at least you have an option.
Do the VR4 / RVR have the same diagnostics plug?

Or is it more like the late model stuff ie FTO / VR4 legnum etc?

VR4 plug

I did find an FTO plug a year or so ago. It might look the same as yours.

Sorry I can't help any further
Yeah I seen that post in the FAQ but its different. It's OK as I tried a couple and think I got it as it seems to be fixed now.
I had a problem with the Nimbus idle on warm starts - it wanted to go up and down between 800-1500rpm. It never did it on cold starts, only after you restart the car after it had already warmed up (ie like on short quick trips).
Anyhow, I got the car to temp then reset the position of the TPS with a multimeter and also the Base Idle via the BISS screw.
Went for a quick drive and so far so good :) (crossing fingers)
Also did an oil and oil filter change and water flush and refill whilst I was at it lol