I like his view of thinking however in the event of an accident a few km/h makes a massive difference.
Germany have excellent roads, they have a small country to look after with a lot of $$ to spend on their road and public transport infrastructure coming from taxing its population of 82 million residents! Australia is a much larger country requiring more infrastructure from funds derived from only 20 million people. There's also a lot of variables that can determine the type of road surface you can use at any given location. Subsoil, earth, drainage, climate, elevation, incline/decline, speed, road design etc have to all be taken into account by the engineers when designing road infrastructure.
One thing we have against us is the fact that our major 'popular destination' cities are so distanced apart. This requires looooooooong hours of driving along long boring straights with no roadside distractions. People's attention span and brains simply 'switch off' and they forget about driving as their minds start to think about other things. In Germany you'd just put the pedal to the metal at 200kmh+ and be at your destination in under an hour lol. Its very much a psychological war against speeding as it is in physiically reducing the speed limit.
At work last week, I was requested to order the removal of all roadside banners with the word "Die" in them as a ministerial request. So you shouldnt see any marketing for 'Dont Die for a Deadline" or "Do or Die: Seatbelts save truckies too" soon. I'd say "Speeding Kills" might be the next to go??!??