trying to run evo 3 2364 ecu on rvr hypergear


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Aug 19, 2013
Hi 4gtuner friend..Im buyed a evo 3 eepromed ecu.. Plan to fit on my 4g63t hsg..But my friend told me that rvr has use different distributor and had some different. example: evo 3 have ??? Senser, but rvr hsg dont have. Isit true? Need some advice before install :)
Afaik, rvr have sensors under intake cam wheel and front of crank. This seems similar to usa 2g engines. From a write up by rre (roadrace engineering) they suggest some wiring changes to make the sensor compatible.

I think there was a couple of other differences that need changing. But it is doable
Change wiring on ecu? Or sensor? Any more change? Cause im already buyed the ecu and im plan to map it and dont wan to waste it..Vr401told me just swap two wiring fuel pump relay wiring (something like this) litter bit confuse..
Maybe you could elaborate on that a bit more Jack and it might make some sense to him/us, link? What swapping do they suggest?

I'm interested to see what VR401 says about the sensor idea that you mentioned Jack, as far as I know he was fine just swapping the fuel relay wire.
galant4g63t said:
Change wiring on ecu? Or sensor? Any more change? Cause im already buyed the ecu and im plan to map it and dont wan to waste it..Vr401told me just swap two wiring fuel pump relay wiring (something like this) litter bit confuse..
Have you swaped two wires I mentioned?
Once you do that start the car. It should run fine as long as you have same injectors as evo3 but even if your injectors are 450cc the cur will run.

All sensors will be fine.
Ok vr401. I will install it tonight. Will give u the latest update tonight. Its fine use evo 3 map? Im useing 510cc stock injector and stock td05 (hyper sport gear spec). My ecu had been remap and cut rpm on 8k. And have launch control. Its will harm my stock engine?thanks jack vr401 & django..u all so kind and helpful..:)
Ok vr401. I will install it tonight. Will give u the latest update tonight. Its fine use evo 3 map? Im useing 510cc stock injector and stock td05 (hyper sport gear spec). My ecu had been remap and cut rpm on 8k. And have launch control. Its will harm my stock engine?thanks jack vr401 & django..u all so kind and helpful..:)
Im useing hsg stock air flow sensor..not a evo 3 609 air flow sensor..isit okey? Injector 510cc same as evo.. no big deal right?
galant4g63t said:
Im useing hsg stock air flow sensor..not a evo 3 609 air flow sensor..isit okey? Injector 510cc same as evo.. no big deal right?
Fueling may be of a bit. There is a difference between evo3 and hsg rvr in airflow but once you start tuning you can fine tune afm and injectors in. All cars to themselves so wire it up and start logging/tuning. First you tune fuel mixture the way you want it and then timing for good power without knock sensor reading knocks.

If afm are showing big throw in fueling you can send me your bin and I will write o it to use evo3 afm correctly.
jack of all said:
Really need to run the afm that the chip was written for, as they all flow different amounts of air. It seems that just changing to a hard intake pipe changes the flow characteristics
I have tested many of them mate and have scalings for them. Once you get it running it doesn't take too long to fine tune it to suit the car.
All 2g afm are ok. You just can't use 1g on 2g without changing the code in ecu bin. going to get air flow sensor 609 (evo 3) tonight and install it with ecu evo 3 together.. i think this will sattle all the problem right? I dint not know how to remap the ecu :(
Latest update..after i change the relay fuel pump & fuel pump sol (pin 8 & pin 33) its cant run the engine..but after i change back to stock pin its run prefect (abit bumpy like high cam) i dint change the evo air flow sensor today cause the air flow sensor socket different with my stock hsg air flow sensor..i try to get the socket tomorrow..i wot but i dint feel any more power with evo 3 ecu..maybe the afm matter. hope after plug the 609 afm its run fine..
galant4g63t said:
Latest update..after i change the relay fuel pump & fuel pump sol (pin 8 & pin 33) its cant run the engine..but after i change back to stock pin its run prefect (abit bumpy like high cam) i dint change the evo air flow sensor today cause the air flow sensor socket different with my stock hsg air flow sensor..i try to get the socket tomorrow..i wot but i dint feel any more power with evo 3 ecu..maybe the afm matter. hope after plug the 609 afm its run fine..
Then your rvr engine and loom came from ssg rvr, not from HSG RVR. Or your market has different wiring.
Anywise, changing ecu's without proper tune wont help a lot. Your car needs custom chip to suit your setup.
My stock ecu code is 0778. Maybe is my wiring have been change..cause im actualy not using drive a malaysia version galant with v6 6a12mivec. Im change the engine to 4g63t to get more power and more after market item to mod..we dint cut the wiring..we just convert it into my car..but the fuel relay (im realy not so sure the wiring man do it right or wrong) cause my dashboard dint get a check engine light..even before im start..but my abs light keep turning on..i dont have wideband, i need to get 1 on this month that my friend can help me tune.but tonight my friend will bring me a custom eprom include launch control and anti lag for evo 3. Wish after plug in the air flow 609 help for the new ecu
My stock afm is 787..510cc injector td05 cheak the car born certificate..its was a 1997 rvr hypergear with 4wd gear sure its was a hyper gear. Only the wiring make me confuse(maybe my wireman make its confuse)..last night i plug in the evo ecu its totaly powerless..if can i try to send u the evoscan data log

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